World GeographyQuestions

(Latitude & Longitude)

1) lf the stars are seen to rise perpendicular to the horizontal by an observer, he is located on the-
2) A person stood alone in a desert on a dark night and wanted to reach his village which was situated 5 km East of the point where he was standing. He had no instrument to find the direction but he located the pole star. The most convenient way now to reach his village is to walk in the
3) Correct Latitudinal position of a place that could be possible is -
4) which of the following is not a great circle on the globe-
5) Zero degree latitude and zero degree longitude lies in the

consider the geographical details given in the following figure:15° NL A 50° NL 5°EL EL The int marked by A in the above figure indicates the countries in :

7) A plane starts flying from 30 northern latitude and 50 eastern longitude and lands at the opposite end of the earth, where will it land -
8) Among the following cities which one lies in the farthest North ?
9) The country which has the longest north-south (latitudinal) extension of its territory is :
10) The time at Cairo is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich Hence, it is located at -