Ancient HistoryQuestions

(Post-Gupta Era)

1) In India, the first to put forward the theory that the earth revolves round the sun was--
2) The term samanta, meaning a feudatory from the sixth century AD, originally meant a
3) Visakhadatta sketches the event after the death of Samudragupta in his work
4) Who Among the following used to hold a religious assembly at Prayag every five year?
5) Harshavardhana was defeated by--
6) In whose court was a Chinese embassy sent by T'ang emperor?
7) The rock -cut temples of Mahabalipuram were built under the patronage of the--
8) After the decline of the Guptas, which of the following cities of North India emerged as the centre of political gravity of North India?
9) The Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang, called the Prince of Pilgrims visited India during the reign of
10) Harshacharita the biography of Harsha, was written by